Thursday, November 28, 2013

Top 10 Roles of Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management is an important department of any organization that wants to hire and retain top employees. Due to increasing problems of managing people at workplace, having a department that ensures compliance with laws has become the top most priority for organizations. Gone were the days when HR managers used to hire and fire employees. Today, these roles have changed tremendously. HR department has challenging roles that no other department can perform efficiently. Some of these are:

1. Posting jobs accurately matching requirements of an organization

2. Shortlisting candidates based upon a certain standard

3. Scheduling interviews

4. Interviewing potential candidates for the best positions

5. Finalizing the hiring process

6. Developing training programs for newly hired employees

7. Ensuring diversity at workplace

8. Retaining current employees through various policies

9. Measuring performance and promoting employees as per company policies

10. Restructuring departments to get the best output

These are just some of the roles for HR management. If you are working as HR manager at an organization and want to excel forward, then getting certified HR professional is a surefire way to land you on better posts. Today, most of the organizations take pride by stating that they have one of the most diverse workplaces.

Organizations that realize the importance of having sound workforce know that without an efficient HR department, employees cannot work up to their best potential. Employees are the best assets of a company and getting output from them in line with organizational policies is the job of HR professionals.

Why get certified?

If you are a certified professional in the field of Human Resource Management, your organization would be at a competitive advantage as compared with other companies in the same industry. As a certified HR professional, you are making sure that the best policies are designed to reduce employee motivation and turnover rate.

It is important that organizations comply with the employment laws to avoid getting bad reputation in the market. HR certified professionals help ensure that the company is implementing all employment laws to prosper a vibrant and highly motivated workforce.


I would like to conclude this article that if you have the skills to work in HR department of an organization, now is the right time to get a job. After gaining some years of experience, it is important that you get certified to be recognized as HR leader. The competition is very high, due to which you need to get certified.

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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Tips for Employee Recognition Programs in India

Great workplaces are great at recognition. Great recognition programs increase employee morale which helps boost productivity, retention, and commitment.  Kick your company’s employee recognition efforts into high year by making certain your practices include these 5 Tips.

Tips of Great Recognition Programs

1. Get Personal.  Sure, everyone may get the same t-shirt or gift card for large company-wide celebrations, but when managers and departments want to send a heartfelt thanks for a job well done, the thank you needs to be designed to fit the recipient.  A company-wide shout out might not be the appropriate way to recognize the team introvert, and the captain of the crochet club might not love tickets to the boss’ box seats at the game. Great recognition is great for the recipient.

2. Be specific. Recognition is more meaningful when specific accomplishments are celebrated.  Being specific let’s folks know that you are paying attention to their performance.  Your entire team benefits as well by seeing what sorts of behaviors, contributions and accomplishments earn a gold star.

3. Don’t be exclusive! The surest way to botch recognition efforts is to ignore all the players that helped produce the outcome being recognized.  Every organization has superstars, and star performers are often recognized with promotions and increased responsibility.  But when recognizing a team accomplishment, great workplaces are inclusive and will call out the specific contributions each team member made in driving success.

4. Invite peer-to-peer recognition. Create a culture of appreciation by inviting employees to recognize each other for a job well-done or an over-and-above contribution.  Peer recognition programs encourage employees to take note of what their colleagues are doing, and build camaraderie and excitement for individual and company successes.

5. Promote Recognition at the Top. Every great workplace has several ways that senior leaders or partners can recognize teams or individual employees.  While a great people manager has several recognition tools at their disposal, and demonstrates the characteristics outlined above, a great workplace has leaders who get in on the action too, demonstrating that senior leadership knows and understands how teams and individual contributors are driving business success.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Best Interviewing Tips For Employers

If you are a hiring manager with a job opening, the interview process is a responsibility that you don't want to leave to chance. You need to find the right person for your job without second guessing your decision.

Here are three suggestions that will help you to prepare for the interview:

1: Take the time to prepare for your job applicant interview.

It's not enough to just review a resume or job application and ask questions on the fly. You need to understand the core function of the job that you are hiring for. It's critical that you are clear on the type and level of experience as well as the depth of experience that your candidate will need to have in order to ask the best interview questions and get the answers that will help you to make better hiring decisions.

2: Create a job description in advance of your interview.

Yes, you are the supervisor, and it stands to reason that you know everything that there is to know about the job that you are hiring for. Yet, it's easy to hire someone whom you thought was an exceptional candidate, only to learn that the job applicant did not possess a particular skill set, or that they don't have the depth of experience that you really needed for your position.

3: Develop your interview questions prior to meeting with your job candidate.

You can't make an accurate determination of whether your job applicant really has the skills and experience needed for your job if you don't ask the right questions.

Use your job description as the blueprint for developing your interview questions as opposed to relying only on those questions that may occur to you during your interview.

4: Ask the right interview questions.

Don't ask questions that give the job candidate an opportunity to respond by saying either "yes" or "no".

Your interview questions should guide your job applicant in a way that will require that he or she provide clear examples that demonstrate an understanding of a particular task, or how they have been able to apply their experience in a way that has helped them to be successful in their current or past positions.

5: Check supervisor references.

In our haste to move the hiring process along, it's sometimes easier to check whatever references are available, or to skip the reference process altogether. Don't.

Always, always, check references; preferably supervisor references. Accepting a reference list that only consists of friends or colleagues can be a recipe for problems down the line because you weren't able to identify an employees strengths and areas for improvement; or whether there were previous performance issues that you should be aware of.

6: Follow up with all of the applicants that you have interviewed.

You're busy; that's understood. It's hard to follow up with every candidate that applies for your job that you did not interview.

Inform all potential applicants before they have applied through your website that you will only be contacting those candidates that meet the job experience described in your job posting. Be sure to thank all candidates on your website who have taken the time to consider your job openings. Follow up with all candidates who you have spoken to by phone, email and especially in person. To not follow up with the candidates that took the time to meet with you is a no- no.

Remember that the same candidate that you ignore now may be the very candidate that you'll want to hire for your next job opening.

Top ideas for successful HR functioning

Human resource is more of an organizational support function; it makes strategies for success in business. A human resource department uses its most efficient and effective technology to hire, train and retain the best for the company. All the recruiting process is to be done in a very cost- effective manner. Human resources must have pioneering ideas to be successful.

Career Development :-

Employee and employer, both share the advantages of maintaining a highly-trained staff. Employers ensure they have, depending upon their availability, individual contributors who are willing and prepared to move into management positions and employees get the opportunity to enhance their skills and knowledge. Also, learning and development by creating posters, brochures and tip sheets about career development can be boosted by an HR.

Employee Surveys :-

HR department builds the positive employee-employer relationship and a productive work environment based upon the employee surveys. And, employees can speak freely and candidly about the working conditions when asked to fill an anonymous survey. Responding to these issues results in higher employee satisfaction, retention and productivity.

Teambuilding :-

Daily managerial tasks that ensure employees are fairly compensated for their work are appeared to be focused upon by the HR functions. HR department communicates the initiatives and allows participants to have some fun at the same time by conducting regular team-building activities, such as contests, events and games. Also, HR leaders can produce podcasts and use social media technology, including wikis, blogs and forums, to engage employees and build relationships with them.

New Employee Orientation :-

Successful companies offer a comprehensive orientation program to introduce employees to the company's culture, operation and policies instead of putting new employees to work, when businesses are short on staff. These describe the commitment and role each plays in the business. New employees are inspired by this trend and this also contributes to the sense of belonging and connectedness for feeling productive and useful.

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Tips for Writing HR Consultant Resumes

HR consultants are solely responsible for recruitment in an organization to improve man power and ensure high quality and productivity of work. These consultants often work with the management team for implementing organizational needs and requirements.

When writing a HR consultant resume you have to show your outstanding talent in scrutinizing and selecting candidates. It should state your excellence in the field and your credentials that hold extraordinary power to convince the prospective employer of your worth.

Listed below are more tips that will help your write a HR consultant resume effectively:

• The first and foremost thing is the objective. In the objective section you can brief out your knowledge and experience in the context. You can also showcase why you want to work in the applied company and how will you contribute to its success.

• Then you can create a section of skill summary where you can add special skills and abilities required in the HR job. These include good presentation, good organizational skills, art of selling, negotiation skills, excellent administrative skills, expert in building relationship, and excellent communication skills.

• Thereafter you can write the professional synopsis giving a detailed explanation of your roles and responsibilities. Start with the recent work and then follow the other experiences in the context. Mention all your duties as a HR consultant in the previous jobs. Highlight the key responsibilities like processing, reviewing resumes, evaluating qualifications, examining eligibility of applicants, generating new business, interviewing, scrutinizing candidates, and appointing employees.

• Mention your achievements in terms if how much you have contributed, your successful strategies of working, IT skills, and the list of honors and awards you have received.

• Academic qualification is also important. Give the complete details with name of degrees, year of passing, name of university, and percentage achieved. Mention any certifications done related to Human Resource. MBA in HR will be an added advantage when applying for the HR job.

• Proofread your resume and ensure that the content is completely free of errors and mistakes. You can also request your friend or relative to review your resume and give a feedback. You can then make the desired changes.